Pocket PCR Device

Doctor Vida Pocket PCR

The smallest and fastest genetic lab-on-phone in the world! 

Unlock the Power of Genetics at Your Fingertips!🚀

Introducing the revolutionary portable lab-on-phone that effortlessly detects your genetic biomarkers. Seamlessly transform your DNA/RNA lab assays into a robust, market-ready commercial test.
Elevate your research and seize global market opportunities with cutting-edge precision, agility, and ease. With our royalty payment system, you’ll earn while making a meaningful impact on society.

Doctor Vida is a portable, handheld device for isothermal nucleic acid amplification of viral genetic biomarkers.

It is operated from any smartphone in a clinical or research setting, but also at home, at the office, etc.

The validated sample types include nasal or nasopharyngeal swabs, blood, cultured cells, bacteria, virus or stool.

There is almost no sample preparation, other than collecting the sample into the resuspension medium and pipetting a few ul of the sample into a single-use reaction tube, a 5-10 minute preparation time. No extraction and purification is needed.

Doctor Vida is a multi use pocket analyser that runs single samples, with low risk of contamination.

Storage of these tubes requires refrigeration, and only a small time is needed to equilibrate to room temperature.

Time to result between 20 and 50 minutes max, and delivered directly to owner smartphone.

Results in 20-50 min
 Really fast to deliver results
98% Accuracy
High accuracy of 98%
Pair your smartphone
Small device that pairs with any smartphone
Easy to use
Easy to use, following Doctor Vida’s app instructions


1. Collect the Sample
2. Download the app or open the app on your smartphone
3. Pair your phone to the Pocket PCR device
4. Transfer 10ul of sample directly to the test tube and follow the app instructions
5. Wait 20-50 mins for the results on the smartphone